Elijah Mirecki
- Libertarianism: A Geometric Perspective
- Taking Risks
- No, we don't live in a simulated universe. Ruliad!? That's more like it!
- Decoding Tunic
- 7 Segment Controller via EEPROM
- b64: B Compiler for x86_64 Linux
- GLSL Mandelbrot
- Monty Programming Language
- Quaternion Visualizer
- EB Image Compression Algorithm
- Atari 800XL revival mod
- LÖVE Platform Animations
- Alp Camping
- Matlab nanrms
- Biking to Bremgarten
- Hiking through Schlieren Forest
- Rome & Florence Trip
- Moving to Zürich
- Dabbling around with x86
- PinkyCtrls
- Hello World, using only C syscalls
- WearHacks Toronto 2016 Project: InfraViewer
- BlarbVM/BlarbLang
- milliQuestions
- GDB Basics: Stack Traces
- How to change login shell without chsh permissions
- UofT Hacks 2016
- Dabbling Around with Scala
- Switching from Arch to Debian
- Segmented sleep for 5 weeks
- Dabbling around with Haskell
- BTRFS Research Paper
- Gravity Simulator
- I made a Chrome plugin!
- rm -rf roulette
- Simple Synthesizer
- Wave Superposition Simulator
- Using a PATA cable for Raspberry Pi B+ GPIO pins
- Git Dependencies in Gradle
- Little Physics Simulator
- How to bake Pi with one cup of Java
- Setting up a BTRFS and rsync backup server
- Coloured output for ADB logcat
- Simulate Android D-pad through ADB
- Vocabulary.com - Shell script edition!
- Objective-C long URL parameter encoding
- How to access private C++ members.
- Hungry Bubble
- Hello, World.